FreedomCodes an AL/ML and Web Dev Open Source Community

Freedom Code Empowering devs in AI/ML, web dev, promoting open-source, fostering collaboration.

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Main Features of FreedomCode Community

There are many valuable features of FreedomCode Community available for budding developers to make their first open source contribution

Free and Open-Source πŸ“–

Truly Free and Open-Source AI/ML and web dev community.

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Contributor Recognition πŸ†

Each contribution is important and embarks an additional feature.

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Model Deployment πŸš€

You work on live deployed projects with recognistion

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Code Review Process 🀝

Transparent and efficient code review process

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About Us

Brilliant Community to get started with OpenSource Contributions

FreedomCode is a passionate community of developers committed to advancing the realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) 🧠, while also empowering the world of Web Development 🌐. Our organization is dedicated to promoting freedom, openness, and collaboration within the tech industry.

We believe that knowledge and technology should be accessible to all, without restrictions. Our mission is to break down barriers and foster an environment where developers from all walks of life can contribute, learn, and thrive together. 🀝

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Any Questions? Answered

Here are some answers to commonly asked question in the community.

The Freedom Code project is a platform designed to provide a collection of open-source code snippets, tutorials, and resources for developers. It aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the programming community.
We welcome contributions from developers of all skill levels. You can contribute by submitting new code snippets, tutorials, or improving existing content. To get started, fork the repository, make your changes, and then create a pull request. Make sure to follow our contribution guidelines for a smooth process.
The project is maintained by a group of passionate volunteers from the programming community. If you're interested in becoming a maintainer, reach out to us through the GitHub repository.
You can watch the repository on GitHub to receive notifications about new contributions, updates, and discussions. Additionally, you can follow our social media accounts for announcements and highlights related to the project.

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Github 🐧

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